What is the Organic Acids Test?
The Organic Acids Test (OAT) offers a comprehensive metabolic picture of a patient's overall health with 76 markers. This test requires a urine sample and t’s non-invasive. It's also easy to collect.
Many people with chronic illnesses often excrete several abnormal organic acids in their urine and this type of panel evaluates what’s happening from a metabolic standpoint in the body. It provides an accurate evaluation of intestinal yeast and bacteria.
Who offers this kind of testing?
Genova Diagnostics and Great Plains Laboratory.
What the markers of the test can determine?
These markers can help determine if someone has a Candida overgrowth. It's the most accurate testing for Candida overgrowth
What does the test include?
- Acids related to yeast and fungus overgrowth
- Acids related to bacterial overgrowth
- Acids produced by“good” bacteria
- Acids related to Clostridium overgrowth
What are the main reasons for abnormal urinary organic acid results?
Gut dysbiosis
Inborn errors of metabolism
Mitochondrial dysfunction
Impaired fatty acid metabolism
Poor carbohydrate metabolism
Neurotransmitter metabolism
Oxidative stress
Poor detoxification
B-vitamin deficiencies
Who may benefit from organic acid testing?
People whose symptoms haven’t been explained through other blood work, stool tests, or urinary hormone tests.
It's not essential for everyone with a thyroid or autoimmune thyroid condition, but helpful. OAT is a pretty expensive option and often isn’t covered by insurance, so it’s not a reasonable option for everyone.